
Moslem Pilgrimage Continues in Arabia

Saudis Call Iranian Pilgrims Terrorists; Iranians Threaten to Seize Saudi Oil

In Tehran, the interior minister accused Washington of responsibility for the Mecca bloodshed. He urged Moslems everywhere to undermine American and Saudi interests.

Iran claimed Saudi security forces opened fire on the pilgrims. The Saudi Interior Ministry said all the deaths were caused by trampling and rioting, and that police did not open fire.

More than a million people demonstrated in Tehran on Sunday, chanting "Revenge!" Pro-Iranian Shiite Moslems took to the streets in Beirut, Lebanon, and attacked' the empty Saudi Embassy.

Islamic Jihad, an extremist Shiite group whose name means Moslem Holy War, released a picture of American hostage Terry Anderson. It threatened action against the Saudi government and the United States.

Anderson, chief Middle East correspondent of The Associated Press, was abducted March 16, 1985, and is the longest-held of 26 foreigners missing in Lebanon. The foreigners include Terry Waite, an Anglican Church envoy who dropped from sight Jan. 20 after leaving his Beirut hotel to negotiate with kidnappers.


Saudi Arabia's rulers follow Abdul-Wahhab, who founded an austere Sunni sect more than 200 years ago.

Persia, now Iran, embraced Islam in 652. In subsequent decades the Persians joined the Shiite sect and became rivals of the dominant Sunnis.
