"What's needed is a more responsive administration," argues Kastin. Others see less hope for improvement because most benefactors prefer to donate to the house system than to the freshmen class. Additionally, there has been little response to various groups' calls for a student center so far.
But, regardless of its past or present, most campus observers seem to agree that the Union's main mission of feeding endless hordes of freshmen will stay with it far into the future.
Andrew R. Jassy '90 seems content with viewing the Union in these terms. "I go to the Union when I'm hungry," he says.
From Magnificence to Mediocrity
Sept. 1899 Higginson announces donation of $150,000
Sept. 1901 Construction of Union Complete
Oct. 15, 1901 Higginson dedicates Union; slams finals clubs "Let this house stand consecrated to the spirit of true patriotism, democracy and friendship."
1910 Dining takes over Union living room
1930 Harvard Union becomes Freshman Union
1930 Waitresses no longer serve meals
1943 Goldfish swallowing inaugerated
1950-55 Roosevelt's animal heads phased out as they begin to fall onto unsuspecting freshman's plates
1961 Battleship's gun victim of 'shmen prank
1969 Jacket and ties no longer required for dinner
1979 Third floor renovations for Expos office complete
1979 HSA Candy Store and Games Room opens
1984-85 Renovations to From Vestibule