
McFarlane Is Hospitalized For Drug OD

John Henshaw, a McFarlane aide, said, "He hadapparently an adverse reaction to a prescribedmedication he took... He's in good condition. He'sawake, under observation."

Henshaw said McFarlane's wife, Jonny, was withhim at the hospital.

McFarlane is a former Marine lieutenant coloneland combat veteran, which permits him to use theNavy's medical facilities near his home insuburban Maryland.

He was the second major figure in theIran-Contra controversy to be hospitalized. CIADirector William J. Casey underwent surgery for amalignant brain tumor and resigned his post lastweek.

McFarlane flew to Tehran, Iran, last May with aplane load of U.S. weapons and--according toHashemi Rafsanjani, speaker of the Iranianparliament--a Bible, signed by Reagan.


The former national security adviser to Reagansaid recently he had hoped that his secret missionto Tehran would result in the release of Americanhostages held in Lebanon by pro-Iranian extremists
