
Educators Critique Harvard in Report

One solution the evaluation team offers is acap on the number of courses a student can take inhis concentration. The report also calls for morefaculty involvement in long-term curriculumplanning.

Members of the evaluation team concluded theQuantitative Reasoning Requirement (QRR) "offersno guarantee that the students have a meaningfullevel of manipulative skills much less anunderstanding of quantitative and logicalreasoning and the essence of mathematics as adiscipline."

"If you're gonna have one, have one," Campbellsaid.

Bok yesterday defended the QRR but said theremay be room for improvement.

In addition, the reaccreditation team calledfor writing to be taught across the curriculum,not just in the freshman expository writingprogram.


Although the commission expressed admirationfor Harvard's counseling services, it suggestedthe University review and possibly centralize theextensive system, which includes the Bureau ofStudy Counsel and the Freshman Dean's Office.

"We felt it might be possible to clarify forstudents what routes were for dealing withproblems," Campbell said.

Barring the unlikely event that the New EnglandAssociation of Schools and Colleges requiresHarvard to take specific action to winreaccreditation, the report will serve only assuggestions for the University, Campbell said.

The reaccreditation report was discussed atthis week's meeting of the executive steeringcommittee of the Faculty and may be considered atlater meetings, according to the committeespokesman
