

The Inside Dope


Nancy: "I've always said that woman should have the right to control their own bodies."


AFTER TWO more setbacks, Reagan became desperate to settle the matter. Since every nominee's past was found to be tarnished, and the "liberalization" of Reagan was getting out of hand, the administration decided to go for higher profile figures who still shared the President's philosophy, but might have more clout with the Senate.


Press: "Sir, we have reason to believe that you are dishonest in the way that you acquire money from your followers. Your moral character is in question over this matter..


Nominee Oral Roberts: "What? An outrage! I have never stolen a penny...well, maybe a penny here and there, but not really. I mean, I'm pretty honest...well, not honest as such, but well...let's just say that I have never killed anyone in cold blood with a gun at a range of less than five feet."

Press: "What about that time in..."

Nominee Oral Roberts: "Enough questions, sinner. If I am not confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice, the Lord said that he would call me home."

Reagan: "Now, look fellas, I've never said that stealing was immoral--sometimes people must steal in order to get food in this decadent American capitalist society. Furthermore, we have a civic responsibility to protect the life of this good man. God made a threat, and who are we to risk its validity. The nomination stands."



REAGAN WAS a broken man--not only were his nominations mocked openly, but now he was a liberal. However, the opportunity to place someone on the Supreme Court was far too great to let go. Somehow Reagan had to get an appropriate candidate nominated. After an intense meeting with George Bush, a decision was made--the President resigned in order for himself to become the nominee for the supreme court.


President Bush: I came here today to assure you that I will stand by my nomination of Ronald Reagan to the Supreme Court...but now that I think about it, he doesn't really posesses a philosophy that coincides with that of his administration anymore.
