
Determined to Make Memories

Soccer's Lori Barry

In her first game back, Barry helped lead the Crimson to a victory over Holy Cross. At wingback--a position somewhat strange for an offensive-type player like Barry--she is a key member of the defense. But Barry doesn't seem to mind.

"Defense is awesome," says Barry. "You can always count on the defense to give it their all."

"Lori doesn't let anybody down," says fellow fullback Andrea Montalbano. "She's always positive and a very solid player which is great to play next to."

"She's a super player," says Wheaton. "Lori's been asked to do something she's not used to doing. Other coaches would put her in a more offensive role, but she's a person who can do both well."

So far this season, Barry has been giving Harvard the support it has needed to make it one of the top teams in the East. She has helped lead the 11th-ranked Crimson to an impressive 6-1-3 record. Barry has been instrumental in keeping the attack on goalie Co-Captain Tracee Whitley to a minimum. Until Tuesday's loss to UMass, only one goal had been scored upon the Crimson.


As a four-year veteran of the team, Barry has been a leader and someone to depend on.

"A lot of players get attention," Wheaton says. "Others, like Lori, you can just throw them on the field and always depend on them. It's a real comfort for a coach to know you have someone giving 100 percent all the time."

An aggressive and gutsy palyer, Barry can often be found covered from head to toe in ice in the training room after a game. Barry continues to remain in the starting line-up despite her pains.

It is obvious from Barry's desire to play through her injuries that she is determined to make her senior year memorable.

"There are a lot of seniors on the team, and we all want to do really well," Barry says.

Barry's hopes are set on capturing the Ivy League title. And if things continue to go as they have for the Crimson, that very well could be within reach.
