
Of Postage Stamps, Old Porters And the Wrong Anniversary

We Got It

After former Postmaster General Albert V. Casey '43 dedicated the new 56-cent John Harvard stamp yesterday, he had some goodies, in the form of souvenir albums, to distribute to distinguished guests. According to tradition, the first such prize goes to the President of the United States. "Mr. Reagan's shall be delivered to the White House," Casey quipped.

Nobody laughed. (Reagan, you will remember, kindly declined Harvard's invitation to attend the 350th festivities.)

Jung At Heart

Sidney M. Weinstein '39 had his luggage carried by an Adams House student porter yesterday, but at the College's 300th anniversary he was the one working as a porter--and impromptu translator--for renowned psychologist Carl Jung.


"It was exactly 50 years ago, when the University was giving 60 or 70 honorary degrees to the world's top scholars," recalls Weinstein, who was then entering his sophomore year. "I had to translate a telegram from English to German for Jung's wife, who spoke only German. And I had had only one year of German A!"

He Can Conduct, Too

Walking through the Yard with Vice Presidents Daniel Steiner '54 and Robert Scott, President Bok stepped in as guest conductor of The Collegium, which was practicing in Tercentenary Theater.

Bok led the choral group in a rendition of "Dominum Salvum Fac," which is the traditional presidential song because it includes the phrase nostrum presidentae, "our president." The laughter this generated attracted a wandering television crew, which unfortunately missed outon the chance to catch Bok with his baton up. Bokand his assistant maestros had already returned toMassachusetts Hall.

Trilateral Table

All of the attention was on Prince Charles atlast night's dinner in his honor at Memorial Hall.But the real excitement may very well have been attable 17-C, where Sheik and Mrs. Ahmed Yamani,Gov. and Mrs. Michael S. Dukakis, Dr. and Mrs.Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. '38 and Mr. and Mrs.David Rockefeller '36 were conducting theirversion of a power dinner.

Long Time Between Gigs

In 1936, James F. Conlan Jr. was a localmusician of enough repute for the Harvard Band toask him to join it during the 300th birthdaycelebration. Fifty years later, still a musicianof repute, though now living in the the Lone StarState, Conlan will once again toot his horn whileHarvard toots its own.

Conlan's brother wrote Band manager AlexandraHouck '87 earlier this year to see if the Bandwould mind if Big Jim gave them some lip onceagain. Houck said sure, and Conlan made the treknorth. "This is fun," Conlan said after a week ofrehearsals with the band as its visitingtrumpetist.

Song of the South
