More Harvard Related Appearances
Another of Prince Charles' Harvard-relatedappearances will take place at the Dana-FarberCancer Institute, where he will meet with juvenilecancer patients and their families forapproximately 45 minutes on September 3, said LoriM. Krupnick, director of Media relations at theInstitute.
The Prince's visit will also honorDana-Farber's joint-venture research project withtwo British-based institutes for childhood blooddiseases. The Harvard-affiliated cancer researchcenter also uses the Imperial Cancer ResearchFoundation, located in Great Britain, to cleansebone marrow of tumor cells.
Also slated for the Prince of Wales's agenda isan approximately 30-minute meeting with WangCorporation founder An Wang, and tour of Wang'sLowell, Mass laboratories. The Shanghai-bornHarvard Overseer was one of 12 recipients of theMedal of Liberty from President Reagan during July4 weekend celebrations in New York.
The British Consulate initiated this visit,according to a Wang spokesman, because of both thehigh-technology company's financial involvement inthe United Kingdom and its role in revitalizingthe economic fortunes of the Merrimack Valley.
After the Prince leaves Boston on September 4,he will travel to Chicago for two days where hewill attend a benefit ball, visit a high school,and play in a polo match