
From All Over The World...Even Staten Island

Planning to major in biology at Harvard, Colfax says he also hopes to row lightweight crew. Accordingly, he is learning how to swim this summer. so he can pass the swim test.

While both Colfax and Brumage hail from the country, Deepak Bhargava '89 is a city boy. Born in India, Bhargava moved to the New York when he was a year old. However, he still wants to find his Indian roots, and it was Harvard's Sanskrit and Indian Studies Department that convinced him to choose the Harvard over other Ivy Leaugue schools.

Despite wanting to study his native land's culture, however, Bhargava says he plans to major in history because of his political interests. In the halls of Manhattan's Hunter High School where he went to school, Bhargava says he was known as being "Kind of up on Third World issues."

His reputation for political knowledge earned him a spot as a panelist on a Public Broadcasting Service documentary featuring Alexander S. Haig, former secretary of state. One of five high school students on the panel, Bhargava concentrated some of his questions on the subject of constructive engagement in South Africa.

Bhargava spent his free time last year as an intern at Africa Report, a magazine devoted to stories about that continent's politics.


For now, Bhargava is working at a library and working in the homes of terminally-ill AIDS patients, doing laundry and buying groceries for them. When he comes to Harvard, Bhargava says he hopes to continue his interests in the area of South African politics, joining the Southern Africa Solidarity Committee (SASC), the pro-divestment group on campus.
