
Singers Scrap Britain Tour

Collegium Musicum Conductor Wary of Terrorism

However, other members of the 15-year-old coedsinging group said they supported the move. "I wasvery disappointed [at first] but I think it wasthe correct decision since a substantial numberfelt they did not want to go," said Collegiummember Jennifer R. Weiss '87. "It's unfortunatebut it had to happen. I would feel responsible ifI felt I forced the people who had misgivings togo on the tour."

The change in itinerary has surprised somemembers of the two a capella groups that will touroutside the US this summer.

"I'm really, really surprised they're notgoing," said Steven J.R. Cass '87, general managerof the Krokodiloes, who he said still plan to goon a tour this summer which includes stops inAthens, Vienna, and Rome, sites of recentterrorist attacks.

He said the decision is a "total wimp-out." "Ithink it's an overreaction," Cass said. "England'sabout the safest place they could be."

Viable Alternative


As far as whether touring the WestCoast--including Disneyland and Yosemite NationalPark--will be as exciting as seeing Europe, Marvinsaid yesterday he feels that it is a "viablealternative" and that after practicing all yearlong, going on tour was the important thing.

"I already sense a revival of the spirit. The40 who are going are very happy about it," Weisssaid.

"It's going to take a lot of work on thespirit" to produce a different tour, Goodsteinsaid. And Griffith, who will be going, said of theWest Coast trip, "It's like getting into Harvardand being told to go to your state university.
