That same research subject vomited six times during one session, and had a severe headache the next day. "But he eats like a pig, and had a huge lunch before the tests and greasy fried chicken while he was knocked out," says a fellow participant.
"You have to be aware that drugs are drugs, and not things to be taken lightly. If they were meant to be in your system, they would be. You can absolutely get hurt if you don't adhere to the rules," he continues.
Harvard also keeps its institutional eye on research involving undergraduate subjects. The university requires that "most but not all research involving human subjects" obtain advance review and approval by the 11-year Committee on the Use of Human Subjects. The committee, composed of faculty members and chaired by Senior Lecturer on Psychology Edward L. Pattullo, is the Faculty of Arts and Science's institutional review board for such research and meets nine times per year.
Money for Nothing
Most students offer a number of reasons why they sacrifice their bodies and time to become human guinea pigs for the sake of scientific research.
Money, for one participant, was the only attraction. "I was very broke. I look at [the study] as a job with incredible benefits. But you should get into the program, get your money, and get out. It's not a game or a joke; it's a business and a risk where the odds don't always stay the same."
Another student was less reflective. "Not being menial labor, I heard the drug study was a good way to make money."
The researchers are quick to point out that the subjects are paid and that they come in on their own volition. "We're not coercing them; the individual makes the decision to come in," says Orzack. "And we're obtaining information by giving them drugs they have taken already in a controlled situation where they won't get into trouble."
The vast majority of study subjects are upper-middle class local college students, she says, describing them as being generally quite honest, a little deviant, and risk-taking. "They are taking drugs and making it."
"[The students] are able to admit they are doing something illegal; they are responsible and sufficiently savvy not to take stupid chances." Most can take a drug or leave it as the case may be, and they "fit into their world, usually indulging on weekends," she continues.
No Addicts Allowed
Orzack stresses that the research group does not accept drug addicts. "We want people who are healthy mentally and physically," she says. "Besides, they have to be able to abstain from most drugs up to 72 hours before the tests."
Some student participants recall instances of strict enforcement of these rules. "One girl did get penalized an afternoon's pay because she had used cocaine before the test," said one participant. "I was surprised she didn't get kicked out of the program."
What sort of individuals would subject themselves to this sort of testing? One freshman participant describes himself as being a partier, a spendthrift, and very flamboyant. "I need the money for other forms of partying. My parents know [about the test], and they realize that I am 18, and this is my own decision."
"I'm very self-assured, honest about my abilities, and somewhat adventurous," says another Yardling. "If my parents knew about [the McLean research], they would die." He says he would not do the program again, although participants are allowed to go through three sets of tests before having to withdraw.
Harvard rules regarding research with human subjects specify that any student must be free to make the decision to withdraw from active participation in a program at any time.
"After all, you're dealing with drugs doctors don't know everything about-why else would there be a study? This program places restraints on your behavior and takes its toll on your mind."