The committee decided instead to recommendlifting the ban on liquor licenses so thatadmission and alcohol charges can be applied tohelp finance the parties.
Committee members stressed that their proposaldoes not attempt to dictate house party policy,but rather to increase the options available toeach house.
The drinking-age stickers, which will probablybe distributed to seniors when they pick up theirgraduation tickets, will be given only to membersof the senior class, and will be used solely forsenior class events.
"This is a request made by the senior classcommittee for senior week events," said HarvardFirst Marshall Joel A. Getz '86. "It's notintended for anything more than that."
"I'm happy it passed," Getz said. "It'll makeit a lot easier and a lot simpler to have the bestpossible activities for the senior class duringsenior week.