
As Time Goes By

Minute by Minute at the Undergraduate Council One Lonely Sunday


Delegate Thomas H. Halpern '87 makes a motion to reconsider the wording of the referendum on the academic calendar. He proposes that the referendum ask students to rank in order of preference each of the third question's sub-proposals instead of just answering "yes" or "no."

Council members propose further complicating the referendum by adding three secondary questions to each of question two's five parts.

"You could be more sure [of what the answers mean] if the question was asked directly and simply," points out secretary Camp.

The council votes on the amendments, passing the first but not the second.



Debate breaks out as to whether the amendment really did pass, as some council members question the vote's legitimacy. A heated controversy arises as to whether the amendments require a simple majority or a two-thirds vote....

Reporters' notebook: The council meeting did not adjourn until 10:07 p.m., but space considerations prevent us from further details.

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