
Discrimination Policy Discussed

Students Request Publicity for University-Wide Law

--agricultural intern for a candidate with aknowledge of vegetable growing and some experiencein the organizing of co-operatives.

TUCSIN -- The University Center for Studiesin Namibia, Namibia: Internship--the internwould prepare a research and development proposalon the cultivation and domestication of amulti-purpose plant endemic to the Namib Desert.Candidate should be a graduate student with abackground in the biological sciences.

TUCSIN -- Museum internship-tocatalogue, preserve and exhibit small museumcollections of artifacts and items of naturalhistory. Also to train local people interested inmuseum work. Candidate should have a background inanthropology and museum work.

St. Alban's College, Pretoria:Internship--a young graduate student who can teachcomputers, math, or general science and who hasgood athletic skills.

St. Andrew's School, Transvaal:Internship--candidate to be involved in anenrichment program for their Black pupils,particularly in English, math, speech, drama(girls' school ages 5-17).


Science Education Project, Johannesburg:Internship--candidates to be involved in helpingupgrade secondary school science curriculum.

PROTEC--Programme for Technological andEngineering Careers: The organization offersenrichment programs for disadvantaged students--anintern would be used to assist in teaching scienceand math. Candidate should be someone with specialinterest in self-help methods.

Other internships not listed in the OCSmemo include:

An academic support program at theUniversity of Cape Town which preparesBlacks to matriculate at the school.

St. Barnabas School, a predominantlyBlack, non-racial private school.

Black Sash, a civil rights organizationpredominantly of white South African women.

The Soweto education system in atownship where Blacks are segregated.

Sources: A REPORT ON THE HARVARDUNIVERSITY SOUTH AFRICAN INTERNSHIP PROGRAM,issued by the Harvard-Radcliffe Sounthern AfricaSolidarity Committee, January 29, 1986 andinterviews with Steiner Committee members.Eliot House Master ALAN E. HEIMERT and VicePresident and General Counsel DANIEL STEINER:spearheading the effort to bring Harvard studentsto South Africa.
