
Cabot's Briggs Hall Opens After Facelift

"We'll keep going as long as the money lasts," Spence said. "This definitely suggests it's worth it."

"It's spectacular," Jewett said. "I think theseare among the nicest rooms and facilities in theCollege. It's just very interesting--notpredictable or box-like, like some modernbuildings."

Each of the building's suites is somehowdifferent from the others--both in constructionand decoration. The uniqueness was honored as partof the opening celebration, with awards given forthe most "outrageously original," "typicallytypical," "best bachelor," "hopelessly homey,""casually comfortable," and "most with the least"suites.

"We like the rooms a lot." said Briggs Hallresident Robert M. Westlake '86. "It sure beatsliving in a room with one inch of sewage water,"he added.

Westlake's only complaint about the new BriggsHall was that the newly installed elevator was alittle bit slow.


"We'll see if we can speed it up a bit," saidConstruction Manager Roger J. Cayer Jr.. when toldof the complaint. Cayer said that the hydraulicfluid might still be a bit too thick, but that itwould thin with time.

Cayer said he was "generally pleased" with thefinished Briggs Hall, although he added that hehad "learned a lot of things," and might considerdoing the floors in future renovationsdifferently.

But, he said, "The furniture helps--it hidessome defects. It looks much different now. For thefirst time, it looks like a habitable space."

"We wanted to make it a place students wouldlike to come home to," Cayer said, "We tried toreach a parity with the river houses--or go evenone better."

Winthrop House Master James A. Davis, on handfor the opening, suggested that they might havecome close, saying, "We think it looks absolutelybeautiful." Added Co-Master Martha H. Davis,smiling, "Maybe we'll ask for a transfer."

There were some students who expresseddissatisfaction with the renovations. Anthony L.Simon '85, now a student at the Graduate School ofDesign, said that with the renovated suites"living here is the same as living at the river,but farther. We used to have our own rooms, whichthe river didn't offer."

But most students seemed pleased with their newsuites, as did their master. "It's gorgeous. Thatsums it up," Mayman said.

Added North House Acting Master Robert M.Woollacott: "It's marvelous for Cabot House. I'mconfident that they'll do the same for North.
