The three Crimson articles interviewed studentswho use and deal drugs as well as administrators.Students generally said that they were not afraidof being caught.
While The Crimson found that students here usea wide variety of illegal drugs--including "crack"cocaine--most students said they believed theproblem was more widespread at other schools.
Bennett said it is not necessary to bringpolice or special investigators onto campuses tocontrol drug use. He said colleges anduniversities can start by "eliminating any traceof public or institutional tolerance of drug use."
"What is intolerable is public tolerance,public condoning, of the use of illegal drugs,"Bennett said.
By clearly condemning drug use, the secretarysaid, the problem will be cut down and drivenunderground, and users and dealers will berelegated to a lower status.
"It's not something we feel the governmentneeds to step in and make people do," Walterssaid. "It's simply calling on them [theuniversities] to do what is in their besttraditions and live up to their best ideals."
Bennett has attacked Harvard on a plethora offronts since he took office last year. As part ofthe student-oriented celebration of theUniversity's 350th anniversary earlier this fall,he condemned the Core Curriculum as a "core lite,"unworthy of its status as the College'seducational centerpiece.
Drug dealers quoted in the Crimson series saidthat they were more afraid of getting caught sincethe attention paid to drug use, especially ofhigh-potency crack cocaine, has increased.
One dealer of the designer drug Ecstasy and onewho sells large amounts of marijuana, when askedif they thought Harvard might get make theirbusiness more difficult in the future, said thatit depended on administrative reaction to theCrimson articles.
The Ecstasy dealer said yesterday he wasn'talarmed by the new high-placed attention todealing here, adding that "By this point, Harvardadministrators probably don't take Bennett veryseriously.