
Gridders Gallivant Past Yale, 24-17

But the Yale drive stalled, and three plays later Duryea sailed his field goal into the jet stream.

Harvard took over on its own 20, and--on the second play from scrimmage--the Crimson set the tone for the drive when Yohe hit a streaking Ed Boyle wide open in the middle of the field. Boyle dropped the ball, but three plays later he made up for it by snagging a bullet from triple-pumping Yohe.

Tight end Don Gajewski then grabbed a Yohe bomb on the same play, and Harvard was inches away from its first touchdown.

Pusateri swept the ball into the corner of the endzone to cut the Bulldog lead to 10-7.

Yale almost struck right back when, on its first play from scrimmage after the Harvard kick, Eli split end Richard Schultz broke open on a long pattern at midfield.


But it seemed to be a day for dropped passes, as the Bulldog let the ball slip through his open arms.

Yale had to punt two plays later--but didn't. The big play that has eluded Harvard all year finally came about for the Crimson.

The snap to Eli punter Don Mahlke seemed fine, but it bounced off his hands--and the Harvard rush swarmed over him before he could recover and get a kick away. Harvard took over 10 yards away from the Bulldog endzone.

Two plays later, Crimson wingback Sorbara gathered a Yohe screen in the left flat, juked past a pair of Yale defenders, and bulled his way into the endzone. Andy Maretz's extra point attempt was true, and, quickly, Harvard had moved ahead, 14-10.

The Bulldogs jumped right back, however. A terrific Buddy Zachery kickoff return gave Yale the ball on the Harvard 48, and once again Macauley led the Eli drive on the strength of huge holes and sloppy Harvard tackling.

Quarterback Kelly Ryan got his first completion of the afternoon to get the ball to the Harvard 20, and from there Mercein was both beast and beauty. He slipped several tackles on one play before blowing Harvard away by running four yards into the endzone. The Elis took a 17-14 lead into the lockeroom at halftime.

For the first half, Yale controlled the ball for over 20 minutes, but still came away with only its three-point lead.

The total yardage stood nearly dead even, with Harvard gaining 143 total yards and the Bulldogs 137.

The teams traded punts during the opening minutes of the second half, until the Crimson took over on its own 36 midway through the third period.

On the second play from scrimmage, Yohe hit Connolly for a first down to bring the ball to the Harvard 47.

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