

"We didn't play together as a team," Club President Heather Flewelling said.

Yale visits Soldiers Field this weekend to take on both the Harvard and Radcliffe teams. The Elis face the Black and White on Friday and the Crimson on Saturday.


Competing in only his fourth intercollegiate competition this season, senior Paul Gompers raced to sixth place in the IC4A Regional Cross Country Championships held at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa., Saturday.

Gompers, the world junior marathon record holder, crossed the finish line in 30:09.40 to earn a spot in the national championships, which will be held November 24th in Tuscon, Ariz. The top three teams and top two individuals from the IC4As qualified for the national meet.


Boston University's Dean Crowe ran a 29:55.08 over the 10,000-meter course to claim first place honors, but Dartmouth (85 points) edged out the Terriers for the team title by two points. Harvard finished 19th in the 49-team field, compiling 648 points.

The next Harvard runner to finish after Gompers was senior Mike Curtis, who clocked in at 31:40.88 for 67th place.

The Harvard women's varsity finished 20th out of the 36 teams competing in the IC4A meet.

The first Crimson runner in the 5000-meter race was sophomore Toby Warden, who placed 27th with a time of 17:34.01. Warden, running in her first varsity regional meet, felt the competition was "a good experience."

"It was the biggest race I've run in so far, and I think we all learned from racing under those conditions."

There was only one senior competing for the Crimson at Lehigh, Captain Allison Keller, whose time of 18:43.61 made her the fourth finisher for Harvard and 121st overall. The race was won by Villanova's Vicki Huber in 16:38.36.

Other runners for the Crimson were Katie Toner (66th, 18:08.73), Tina Lount (101st, 18:31.41), Lise Vansen (145th, 19:00.05), Eva Klohnen (152nd, 19:06.45) and Michelle Sang (168th, 19:19.70).

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