
Undergrad Council Voting to Start Despite Lack of Student Awareness

While Offutt said that the election is apopularity contest, the way the campaign has beenconducted is not very popular with some students.

"The importance of the election has beenundermined by the fact that most people, includingmyself, have almost no knowledge of the candidatesor what the council does," said Jason M. Lewis '90of Wigglesworth Hall.

An Informed Electorate?

"If I know who's running and I like them, I'llvote," said Eugenie M. Borton '88 of Adams House.But she said, "I don't know who's running. I'mclueless."

One poster for an incumbent from LowellHouse--which was plastered with campaignadvertisements--provided few clues. Its basicmessage was "Death to Posters."


But the most intriguing poster for a Lowellcandidate belonged to Javier S. Perez '88. Itdeclared, "I am not a pimp.
