
Return of Sociologist Precipitates New Conflict

Asked about the letter, Skocpol said, "It's notmy place to comment on that. The letter speaks foritself."

Landes criticized Skocpol's release of theletter as "one more stroke in her war of publicrelations."

"I deplore the publicizing of confidentialmatters of this kind because such publicitynecessarily makes the scholarly and intellectualwork of the University more rather than lessdifficult," Landes said.

"I therefore propose to say nothing other thanto respond to issues raised by Miss Skocpol,"Landes said.

Landes said his response to Skocpol waspresented out of context in The Chronicle becausehe denied her a position on the Social Studiessteering committee but said he would welcome herinvolvement in other capacities.


Landes said a portion of his letter not quotedin the article said: "We are delighted to knowthat we will count on your help and good will."

Skocpol refused to share the complete text ofthe Landes letter with The Crimson.

"There is very little more to the letter," shesaid.

"I think she should be focusing on her teachingand research in sociology instead of puttingherself foreward as a representative of the '60sgeneration or as the victim of hostility," Landessaid.

"It will take a little while for ProfessorSkocpol to have a full role in everything thatgoes on here because of the particular history ofthis thing," said Sociology Department ChairmanAage B. Sorensen. "There must be healing."

Asked how Skocpol's actions might affect thathealing, Sorenson said, "It might take longer orshorter for this to happen.
