"The dean didn't make a judgment about Brinkleyas a scholar; he just knew that a young candidatecould never survive an ad hoc committee with aless-than-perfect case," said a faculty memberfamiliar with the review.
Associate Professor of American HistoryBradford A. Lee, another popular junior professorand a recipient of a Levenson prize foroutstanding teaching, also recently failed to wina permanent position. That case offers less-clearcommentary on the tenure system because Lee didnot muster enough support within the HistoryDepartment to win its endorsement, professorssaid.
Humanities Vs. Sciences
Scholars from a wide variety of fields agreedthat young academics in the humanities and socialsciences have more trouble passing ad hoc reviewsthan do their colleagues in chemistry, mathematicsand other more quantitative disciplines.
"In the sciences everyone knows someone isgoing to be great when they're 22 or something,"said Heimert, the literature professor. "In math,someone has solved an equation no one else hasever solved."
Even scholars in the humanities and socialsciences who criticized the ad hoc committees saidthe idea of bringing in outsiders to evaluatetenure candidates is a good one. They criticizedthe way the idea has been applied.
"Machinery is not created by God. It's not likecancer or death. It is under human control," Batesaid. He said the ad hoc reviews would be helpfulif department members were able to take part,members were screened more carefully and othermodifications were brought about.
"The dean thought he could promote more ofHarvard's own people without changing theselection process that has been bringing Harvardancient, august experts for a decade," said onejunior faculty member.
"He certainly can't believe that any longer--atleast I hope he doesn't," said the associateprofessor, who said he will be considered for alifetime post within two years.