THERE ARE NO surefire ways to force the University to solve the problems of every interest group that exists here. There are no guarantees that those problems will even be addressed.
We can only hope and trust--and I do--that the University has a conscience bigger than many around here give it credit for. The way to evoke change--even if it is glacial in pace--is not through violence and building takeovers, not through continuously putting the University on the defensive.
The way to promote change is not by putting oneself in a position to be arrested.
Instead, those who seek change must face the University quietly and resolutely, with the trust that it cherishes not only the interests of itself but also of its students, faculty and affiliates.
Hopefully, then, Harvard can continue to change.
As it has shown that it is willing to do.
And as it should.
The Crimson is pleased to announce the election of its 113th Executive Board:
Joseph F Kahn '87 of Mather House and Newton. Massachusetts, President.
Christopher J. Georges '87 of North House and Brooklyn, New York, Publisher.
Marc E. Agronin '87 of Leverett House and Appleton, Wisconsin, General Manager.
NEWS: David S. Hilzenrath '87 of Mather House and Lexington, Massachusetts, Managing Editor; Kristin A. Goss '87 of Kirkland House and Denver, Colorado, Executive Editor; John N. Rosenthal '87 of Cabot House and New York, New York, Senior Editor; Matthew A. Saal '87 of Adams House and New York, New York, Associate Editor; Jessica A. Dorman '88 of Currier House and Newtown, Connecticut, Sports Editor; Jonathan F. Putnam '88 of Quincy House and Lexington, Massachusetts, Sports Editor.
FEATURES: Thomas J. Winslow '87 of Eliot House and Cleveland, Ohio, Managing Editor; Joseph Menn '87 of Dunster House and Los Angeles, California, Executive Editor; Victoria G. T. Bassetti '86-'87 of North House and New Orleans, Louisiana, Senior Editor; Robert F. Cunha, Jr. '87 of Eliot House and Somerville, Massachusetts, Associate Editor.
EDITORIAL: Nicholas S. Wurf '87 of Mather House and Washington, D.C., Editorial Chairman; J. Andrew Mendelsohn '87 of Adams House and New York, New York, Associate Editorial Chairman; John N. Ross '87 of Mather House and Washington, D.C., Associate Editorial Chairman; Cristina V. Coletta '87 of Dunster House and Boston, Massachusetts, Arts Editor.
MAGAZINE: Rebecca K. Kramnick '87 of Kirkland House and Ithaca, New York, Magazine Editor; Charles C. Matthews '87 of Dunster House and Los Angeles, California, Magazine Editor; Cyrus M. Sanai '86-'87 of Adams House and Seattle, Washington, Associate Magazine Editor; Robin L. Alper '87 of Quincy House and Lexington, Massachusetts, Graphics Editor; Susan E. Ordway '86-'87 of Quincy House and Bangor, Maine, Graphics Editor.
PHOTOGRAPHY: Bruce M. Kluckhohn '87 of Leverett House and Calabasas, California, Photography Chairman; Peter H. Schwartz '87 of Lowell House and New York, New York, Photography Chairman; M. Jeremy Yamin '87 of Winthrop and New York, New York, Associate Photography Chairman; Anna V. E. Forrester '88 of Adams and St. Louis, Missouri, Assistant Photography Chairman; Wan Joon Kim '87 of Currier House and Seoul, Korea, Assistant Photography Chairman; Jennifer Pitt of Quincy House and Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, Assistant Photography Chairman.
BUSINESS: Brent J. Martin '87 of Winthrop House and Fairmont, West Virginia, Business Manager; Dahlia Weinman '87 of Mather House and Brooklyn, New York, Business Manager; John P. Siracuse '87 of Leverett House and Everett, Massachusetts, Advertising Manager; Judith B. Jackson '87 of Quincy House and Chicago, Illinois, Credit Manager; Karla L. Martin '87 of Leverett House and Detroit, Michigan, Production Manager; Mark N. Diker '88 of North House and New York, New York, Associate Advertising Manager; Betsy Kramer '87 of Quincy House and New York, New York, Special Publications Manager; Jane A. Stackpole '88 of Winthrop House and Elizabeth, New Jersey, Circulation Manager; Kevin S. Buehler '87 of Lowell House and Forest Hills Gardens, New York, Systems Manager.