Q: How had he been kicking in practice?
A: Average, average. He's a very unmotivated guy. He just doesn't get with it. It's shame, too. Everybody in the world thinks he's got so much potential. Baseball play, he pitched against Brown, they hit four balls into the Harlem River. So you know he's been that way in everything there is. I'm really annoyed at him. He really could have won the game for us.
Q: You said during the seven straight touchdowns that you looked at the sidelines and sensed there were different people there. Did you try and do anything?
A: Oh, sure. I made about 32 Elmer Gantry speeches. But everybody had left the tent.
Q: When did the turnaround happen? At halftime?
A: At halftime? At halftime we had the greatest football team in the country. Are you kidding me? We had Harvard dead. Buried. The embalmer was getting the needle out. Are you kidding me? It was the long pass and the three bad punts. A team that has a long history of losing cannot cope with that.
Q: Coach, what's going to change so that you can keep up that kind of momentum that you had in the first half? What's the first thing you've got to change?
A: Accelerate the practice rhythm. Make every practice just like the game. Put more pressure on them.