
While You Were Away

Summer 1985


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27 UMass Divests

Activists at the University of Massachusetts this year may have to find a new issue to protest. University officials announced that they totally divested their $370,000 of stock in companies doing businesss in South Africa. The announcement, which was made with a noticeable lack of publicity and fanfare, came just a few weeks after two student sit-ins and 33 protest-related arrests this spring.

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29 New Deans

In one of the largest University Hall shake-ups in years, Harvard announced the appointment of three new deans of the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS):

*Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid L. Fred Jewett '57 was named to dean of Harvard College. He replaced John B. Fox Jr. '59.

*Fox, five months after announcing his decision to resign from his post as dean of the College, was named administrative dean of the GSAS.

*Professor of Anthropology Sally Falk Moore was named dean of the GSAS.

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