
Class of '89: One of the Best Ever

From Biotti to Zonis, A Class of Future Stars Checks Into The Yard

While the men's soccer team welcomes the addition of Rajballie, the women booters--co-tenants of Ohiri Field--also picked up some new faces over the summer.

Midfielder Cathy Dawson, a First Team High School All-American from Pittsburgh, Penn., is the top prospect in a crop that also includes Amy Winston of Little Rock, Ark. and Californian Alison Keene.

Both soccer squads reached the NCAA quarterfinals last season, and hope to have similar success this year with the influx of new talent.

Both cross-country squads nabbed several fine runners--Katie Toner, Jodie Dushay, and Jill Kelly will join the women, while Mark Foley, Brian Cann, Eric Davis, Tim Bell and John Oja will take to the track for the men.

Softball players to watch on Wentzell's squad--which last year cruised to an all-time high of 17 wins--include: Arlington's Elizabeth Crowley, an outfielder who was named the Boston Globe's All-Scholastic Player of the Year as a high school senior; infielder Nancy Prior, also from the Boston area and a Globe Honorable Mention selection; pitcher Lora Rowning of Oregon; and Ellen Cox, an infielder from Louisville, Ky.


In other diamond action, baseball Coach Alex Nahigian has two promising pitching talents in Rhode Island's Dan McConaghy, a 6-ft., 3-in. left-handed pitcher and 6-ft., 1-in. Joe Currier of New York, also a southpaw.

Also looking to see action on Soldiers Field is a trio of infielders--Richard Riley from Roxbury Latin, Eric Magrisi from Holy Ghost Preparatory School in Pennsylvania, and Casey Cobb from Orono, Me.

The women's tennis squad experienced one of its best-ever recruiting years. Among the top candidates for Coach Don Usher's netwomen are Jackie Farrell, Kristin Bland and Louise Zonis, all from the Boston area; Cindy Buchsbaum of Tucson, Ariz.; and Martha Berkman of Pittsburgh.

Taking to the courts for the men's squad coached by Dave Fish will be Hank Parichabutr.

Men's Swimming Coach Joe Bernal has seven experienced swimmers joining his squad: backstroker Roland Wagner, the Swiss national champion; Olympic qualifier Scott Hoy from Australia; sprinters Keith Kaplan of Mattapan, N.J., and Bob Morrison of Portland, Ind.; Paul Ryder, an all-around swimmer from Servana Park, Md.; distance swimmer Mike Caverly of Lacadia, Ca.; and Robert Perkins, a backstroker from Middlebrook, N.J.

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