Following Janeway's logic, that's substantially true.
Also consider the post trial comments of Walter V. Robinson, the article's author. "We were under a deadline to produce a story," Robinson said. "With 20-20 hindsight, perhaps I would have taken a little more time writing the article."
As a result, it would be substantially true to print that The Globe values speed more than accuracy. I doubt, however, that that's really the whole truth.
NEVER MIND that Lakian's lawsuit was as absurd as Janeway's post-trial comment. Lakian ought to do us all a big favor and do some fact-checking on things like his upbringing, schooling, on things like his upbringing, schooling, military service and business career.
In the meantime, though, The Globe ought to do some fact-checking, too.
Until it does, Janeway can only trumpet that "The Globe's Substantially Here."