
Hello Francois, It's Me, P.W.

Botha: Except into a bloody revolution! If those miners strike, they might have enough leverage to cause some real problems. They could demand an end to apartheid, call for universal suffrage, or, even worse, take control of their workplace by setting up worker delegations of their own. Not even the Soviets would touch that. Maybe I should just capitulate, release Nelson Mandela and head for Santa Barbara. Besides, sometimes I sort of feels sorry for those 22 million Blacks. You'll have to admit, the way we run things does here is a little unfair.

Mitterand: Easy, P.W. Letting Mandela out of jail would give the masses more fortitude we may not be able to counter. Our valuable capital is at stake. The U.S. defense industry might go under without the precious metals you provide them. We're all depending on you.

Botha: Okay, I'll keep listening to your guys. But could you promise me one thing?

Mitterand: What's that?

Botha: A little vacation after this is blows over. I hear those center California beaches are looking mighty nice these days, if you know what mean.


Mitterand: We'll see, P.W., we'll see.
