
Committee Revived to Try Anti-Apartheid Protesters

CRR to End 10 Years of Inaction

I think we have enough of an idea of what went on at both places [17] Quincy St. and Lowell House to give the CRR a full (but not utterly comprehensive) report of what took place," Fox said yesterday. He added that it would be up to the committee to determine what evidence it felt was valid and relevant to each case it pursues.

No Reliance

Although Fox said that he hopes students would not rely on the decisions of earlier generations in abandon the CRR, some students said they still favor a boycott.

Undergraduate Council Chairman Brian R. Melendez '86 said yesterday he will attend today's meeting between Epps and House Committee chairmen to speak in favor of a continued student boycott of the CRR.

"While the Undergraduate Council has never explicitly supported the boycott, I will try to encourage House Committee to discourage members from seeking the CRR nomination," Melendez said.


He said that he felt the CRR "singles out for punishment a type of conduct that is a fundamental right," and that the committee should be abolished.

Grossman agreed, saying, "I have no ways of improving the CRR expect by abolishing it."

In the Dark

CRR Faculty members interviewed yesterday seemed to know much less about the task they face. They too will be meeting today, but Professor of Philosophy Warren D. Goldfarb '69 said he was not told what will be discussed, nor the names of his fellow committee members.

"I literally know nothing about it [what the committee will face of how it will proceed]," said CRR member Richard E. Kionauer, McKay Professor of mechanical engineering. Kionauer, who has never served on a CRR that has convened, said yesterday that he did not know that the Lowell House and Quincy St. incidents had been presented to the CRR for consideration.

Marquand said except for a copy of the committee's written guidelines, there will be no briefing for the CRR members as to the procedures they are to follow. "It will be a slow start," said Fox, who added that he hoped a decision will be reached by the end of lung, when Faculty member's terms on the CRR conclude.

Past investigations of alleged violations of the Resolution on Rights and Responsibilities have taken from 16 days more than a wear to complete.

Marquand said the Faculty and the University may be prepared to grant make up exams and accommodations for students it CRR duties last through the summer.


Under the current Faculty regulations, student election to the CRR is almost entirely by lottery. AN arbitrary panel of 11 House Committee members is responsible for designating two representatives from the House to a larger pool of candidates--which includes five freshmen. From this pool of 31 students, 4 names are chosen by lot to serve as that year's student delegates to the CRR.
