
Protesters Kick Off Divestiture Rallies

Following Bozzotto's remarks at Harkness Commons, protestors marched through the Yard to Massachusetts 'Half, where they gathered in front of the entrance, waving banners and chanting pro-divestment slogans.

Rolling Over Bok

The demonstrators, who were joined by dozens of bystanders, sang protest songs which included the lyrics, "If Derek Bok gets in our way we're gonna roll right over him."

Bozzotto spoke again from the steps of Massachusetts Hall, saying. "Even though we're small in numbers, we're big in enthusiasm."

"Every place Bok turns, every place he looks, he's going to see Harvard students and Harvard people talking about divestment," he added.


After Bozzotto's speech protesters marched to the back of Massachusetts Hall, massing in front of Bok's office windows and chanting "Hey hey, ho ho, there's blood on your portfolio.
