
HSA Ordered to Pay Overdue Wages

Labor Department Probes 'Let's Go'

"They should have come to us first instead of complaining to the labor authorities," Rosenwald said.

From now on, Spruance said, all HSA managers must keep time cards for all their employees so that the corporation will not be forced to pay the time-and-a-half wages for overtime work.

She added that this new use of time-cards runs counter to the traditional HSA experience.

"Historically, HAS has not been a job but a training ground for management," she said adding that students are afforded "a real sense autonomy," over this projects are agencies.

Barak S. Goodman '85 has special tow summers in Europe traveling are researching for "Let's Go." Though he admits he "never took the job the money, he said he has not5 been 100 percent satisfied with HAS employee compensation.

He added that for his first assignment he received a base salaries for expenses plus bonuses and more for proofreading, but that the total still amounted to about $100 short of what he expected.

"And they always pay late. I did not get my last two checks until this middle of the next school year said.

"It's a great job," Goodman added. "It's just that HSA is run by students and it shows."


Sales of the "Let's Go" series and the publication, the Unofficial to Life at Harvard-plus sales a advertising in each publication--account for a of the total HSA budget of million, but reflect the efforts of about 60 of the corporation employees, Spruance said.

Bouncing Rock

HSA finished in the red last years Spruance said, but the year all agencies seem to be pulling weight and may attempt to expand the near future.

The corporation recently right to claim non-profit exempting HSA and its employ from paying close to $60,000 in security taxes, she added.

Since January, 1984 organizations formally affiliated hospitals and educational institute have been granted social security exemptions by the federal government Spruance said. She added because HSA is incorporated it state of Massachusetts, it had argue that it supports Harvard providing jobs for so many studen
