
Entrepreneur Sells Drinking Helmet

With both cups full it is difficult to walk, laugh, or even talk without spilling. "They should make it so you don't have to move like you're walking with a stack of books on your head," says Timothy Mangus '86.

Drinking carbonated beverages through the hose caused awkward burps and coughs, while spillage created embarrassing wet spots.

Still, Charles J. Dibona '86 was enthusiastic. "It's what makes America great, like the hoola-hoop, although a Brie-eater would be the ultimate Yuppie thing."

But Del Ray, a 26-year-old undergraduate in business at the University of Southern California, should know the real thing when he sees it. After all, he has been transformed from a pre-natal Yuppie to true breed since he developed the hat. "I drink Perrier, drive a BMW, and don't have an American Express Card, but I'd like to," he says.

Responding to charges that the whole enterprise is his sly way to become a guest on Late Night with David Letterman, Del Ray admits, "Yes, that has been in the back of my mind."


If nothing else, says Del Ray, perhaps his creation will give him a ticket to where he really wants to go--Harvard. "I'm hoping that the administrative offices at Harvard will recognize the contribution I've made to American beverage consumption," he says, "and say, 'come on down, for two years, on the house!"'

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