
The Spring Ahead: II

Perhaps the only disappointment of the winter athletic squads will be the women's basketball squad. After their best start in more than seven years, the Crimson's women cagers have faded quickly. Then again, after only three wins last season, this year has already been a smashing success.

When winter turns to spring, the only thing that should change as far as Harvard athletics is concerned is the location of the games.

The Crimson clubs will move outside, but the winning ways should continue. In a big way.

The baseball squad and both the men's and women's crews should gain national attention, while the women's lacrosse team should successfully defend its four straight Ivy titles.

Word has it that the men's lacrosse team will be drastically improved, while the men's and women's tennis teams should make their usual runs at the coveted Ancient Eight crowns.


In addition, the outdoor Heptagonals (for the men's and women's track teams) are slated for Harvard's new multi-million dollar track later this season.

Off the fields, the, Harvard Department of Athletics will turn its attention towards the Indoor Athletic Building, which is slated for renovations. And with a string of eligibility problems having already affected several Crimson athletes this year, Harvard officials say they'll be taking a closer look at the NCAA eligibility rules
