
The 1984 Sports Cube Baseball Quiz

Celerino Sanchez

Bobby Cox

Bobby Murcer

The Mets had a similar problem in center field after Tommie Agee's star dimmed in 1972. For five more points, which one of the following did not play center for the Mets in the 1970s?

Tim Foli


Don Hahn

Amos Otis

Gene Clines

Lee Mazilli

10. How many stitches does a baseball have? The answer is one-third the number of dimples on a golf ball.

11. Danny Ainge represents a long line of Baseball players who made a better career of Basketball; Dave DeBuscherre is probably the best example. Two former major league outfielders are in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Five points for each you can name.

12. Ron Guidry has made two appearances in center field for the Yankees, in 1979 and 1983. Five points for naming the positions played in the majors by each of these two pitchers:

(a) Don Gullett

(b) Bob Lemon

13. Match each player with his collegiate achievement. Two points each.
