
N.U. Playmates

Playboy Magazine has expressed an interest in photographing women from Northwestern (and other Big Ten colleges) for its annual campus issue this September, but members of a Northwestern campus group intend to stand in their way.

Though the date for initial model interviews has not been set, plans for the "Women of the Big Ten" pictorial have already begun, said Jeff Cohen, Playboy's senior photo editor.

"The Northwestern University's Women's Coalition already is planning to protest," said Coalition President Maureen McDonnell.

The Big Ten was the first college conference featured when Playboy introduced its annual college theme September features.

"It was one of the more successful conferences we have featured," said Cohen. "We got the best reader response from that issue, so we've decided to come back."


Pay for the models runs on a scale whereby "the more they take off, the more they take off, the more money they earn," Cohen added.

Playboy does not set specific requirements as to who may pose for the pictorial, but according to Cohen, "women interested must have a well proportioned body, pretty hair, and a good complexion." He added that Playboy wants its models to "be active on campus, taking more than one or two classes."
