
New Bedford Weavers Defeat Jayvee Booters by 2 Points

Doughty and Davage Star in Dull Game Marked by Sloppy Playing

In a soccer match marked by dullness and sloppy playing by the Crimson Junior Varsity, the New Bedford Textile booters won the encounter by the score of 2 to 0.

The weaves scored on two ill aimed boots from the side and center of the field. The Crimson held the invaders to an indecisive draw during the rest of the match.

Doughty and Davage played a good game at full backs. Burwell showed some good ball handling when the forward line was pressing the New Bedford goal.

The Crimson line-up: Hanford g. Doughty f.b. Davage f.b. Brooks rhb. Gammons c.h.b. D' Autremont l.h.b. Johonson c.f. Vorley r.i. Notman l.i. Zell r.o. Burwell l.o.
