Be sure to inform your letter writer of the deadline for the receipt of letters of recommendation. Request your letter two to four weeks ahead of the deadline, if possible. Provide stamped, addressed envelopes for the letter and a written note stating the deadline and to whom the letter should be addressed.
Graduate students are advised to establish a dossier at their career services office as a repository for their letters. Undergraduates should request that a copy of each letter be sent to their permanent file with their academic tutor.
Remember that your letter writers have many other responsibilities to fulfill and other deadlines to meet. It is perfectly acceptable to follow up a few days before the deadline to be sure that your letter of recommendation has been sent or to make certain it has been received. Meeting the deadline is your responsibility.
Since the enactment of the Buckley Amendment in 1975, you have had the legal right to read letters of recommendation written about you unless you waive that right.
Waiver forms are probably available in your advisors' office. The decision of whether to waive your right of access is a personal decision. There are several important factors to consider. You may want to discuss this question with your advisors throughout your college