
You Call It

Another Prescription

"I just hope we get fouled a lot," President Bok remarks "Because that's our game."

Dean Fox--will it be Harvard or the Big Red?

"Oh, you're asking a neophyte, and I'm not in any position to answer that."

"I think Harvard's going to do it," Mrs. Plutnicki prognosticates. "The whole season has been pretty good since Duke. And they've been coming back if they're down by a few points. That's the mark of a championship team."

Dean of Students Archie C. Epps III says, "Well, I have been following the team. I always listen to the sports news when I wake up. And it's clear to me that we have a winner. We're taking people these days who have crushed us in the past."


"And we're leading the league in free throws," Epps continues, "so I'm very optimistic...They deserve our support."

"I'd love to see Cornell win," says Isaac Kramnick '59, chairman of Cornell's Government Department. "Yes, I know that I went to Harvard. It's even my 25th reunion year, but I'm not torn at all between the two schools. It's about time that the Cornell basketball team won."

"It's a great year for us," Kramnaick adds. "It would be wonderful to knock off Harvard. Everybody at Cornell feels great when we beat Harvard, whether it's the number of Nobel Prizes, Rhodes Scholarships, Guggenheim Fellowships for the faculty or in hockey or basketball."

So tonight's game against Cornell is really, really big. How many of you are going to be there to cheer the Crimson on? Game time's 7 p.m.

"We're leaving New Jersey and going to the game...Of course, we're going," Mrs. Plutnicki says. "I'll see you there."

"Am I going?" Mones asks. "Uh, no I'm going to be in Western Massachusetts then. But, I swear I'll be thinking of them. I've get a previous obligation. I can't I just can't go."

"I'm going to built of the games," For says. "I enjoy watching them. I've also got a couple of children. It's a nice family thing."

President Bok? Yes, what about you?

"I can't go Friday, but I'm going Saturday," Bok says.

"What? I'm not going," says Union Assistant Manager Cockroft.

And what about you
