
Aquamen Rip Navy, Avenge 1983 Upset

Last year, the Crimson's freshmen weren't prepared for the Navy's sneak attack.

This year, they were one of the major stories.

"Sometimes freshmen go through a low," Grotikau said. "But ours have been shining from the beginning."

The aquamen opened last night with a stunning victory in the 400-yd. medley relay. The quartet of Berkoff, Lars Rierson, Bill McCloskey and Co Captain Bob Hrabchak finished a full four seconds ahead of its closest competition which also came from Harvard.

Crimson junior Tim Ford then took top honors in the 1000-yd. freestyle and freshman John Ritch followed that up with a victory in the 200-yd. freestyle.


Navy then got his second win of the evening, when Jeft Thompson won the 50-yd, freestyle.

Berkoff and Egan then-pulled off their triumphs, and Ritch then got his second win of the night, this time in the 100-yd freestyle.

Simkowitz and Pearson followed with their wins, as did Rierson with his in the 200-yd breaststroke.

The Crimson squad of could, Ritch and Groukan out the evening with a win in the 400-yd. freestyle event that Navy chose to .

Lost in the excitement was the splendid return of the Crimson's Ali-American diver Dan Waison from a year of Olympic training.

Watson impressively snagged the 1-meter and 3-meter diving titles.

THE NOTEBOOK: Harvard will meet Columbia, the other team to knock it off a year ago, on Sunday...The Lions are experiencing a rebuilding season because of huge-losees to graduation.
