Princeton has won the league title four of the last five years, and is the pre-tourney favorite along with the University of Pennsylvannia, which won the crown last year.
Penn's record of 14-3 seems more impressive than Princeton's 21-10 mark, but all three of the Quakers' defeats have been at the hands of the Tigers, the team it beat in last year's final.
The Harvard--Princeton struggle will be at 9 p.m. tonight-the third match of the day for each team Fatigue will no doubt play an important role, which works to the advantage of the Tigers, who in 31 games this season, have had a greater opportunity to develop both their depth and stamina.
The Cantabs will play Penn in their last tourney game on Sunday afternoon, just before the crucial Penn/Princeton clash which will likely decide the champion.
The worries posed by all these "if''s are formidable but by no means insurmountable.
The team is certainly not shying from the task. "People are looking forward to it," says Trumbull, "as a challenge of all that we've worked for this year.