
Law School Evicts Student Impostor

Rejected Applicant Fools Professors

"I'm doing a story on law schools," he said, adding that the story would answer the question, "What is law school?"

Classmates described Travis as a well-prepared student who always wore a suit and tie to class.

"He spoke more often than anyone else in the class," said first year student Michael Anderson '84.

"None of us had any suspicion," said Donald Abrams, also a first year student.

Travis evidently did not socialize with other students, and he was reportedly seen infrequently outside of class.


Travis visited the admissions office to protest his rejection, Thompson said. His most recent application contained several "serious irregularities," she added.

According to a Law School source, Travis submitted forged letters of recommendation.

Travis told Law School officials this week that he would apply again, but his chances appear slim at best.

JOEL A. GETZ contributed to the reporting of this article.
