
Candidates for Radcliffe class Marshal

Preliminaryn Marshal Elections Undergraduate Council Elections October 2,3,4, Final Marshal Elections October 9,10,11

Manager, Men and women Track, Cross-Country; Standing Comm on Athletics and Undergraduate Advisory Board of Athletics; Model U.N. International Review; Asstnt Class Reunion Manager B School; Student Assistant, Alumni Association

Heidi J. Dallin Kirkland

Participant in the following drama productions: Anything Goes (Currier) Cabaret (Cabot) Jessus Christ Superstar (Kirkland). One Hourse show (Agassiz Theatre and WCVB-TV): Undergraduate Admissions Council

Jessica Gail Drachman Cabot

Harvard Radcliffe Orchestra; Lightweight crew. HAS advertising; HAND (House and Neighborhood Development)


Erin Lee Egan North

Phillps Brooks House (One to One Margaret Fuller House); Director of the Unit Test Program, Economics 10: Financial Aid Advisory Committee; Harvard Shuttle Bus Driver

Sigrid Carrie Gable Winthorp

Varsity Indoor and Outdoor Track (record holder); Undergraduate Archaeology Representative to Student-Faculty Council on Anthropology House Intramurals Junior Varsity Cross Country Archaeology Concentrator

Susan G. Greenbaum Mather

Radcliffe Pitches (Director); University Choir; House Council; House Film Society; Melville Mathering Heights (House Soap Opera)

Lillis Ellen Grove Leverett

Access Boston (Volunteer at Massachusetts General Hospital); Harvard-Radcliffe Chorus; advertising manager; Radcliffe Choral Society; secretary and co-president Leverett House Arts Society; Social Committee Chairman House Committee

Rebecca Hartman Mather

Mathering Heights; Crimson Sports Stall Concrete Abstract; House Intramurals; Mather House Mondaled Lerraro Co-ordinator
