July 31--Big Sixteen.
Jonathan Swift's 30 John F. Kennedy St., bill 9887.
Tikets of box office and major ticket outlets Concerts begin at 9:00 p.m.
July 29--B Willie Smith ($5)
Jyly 30--The Enemy ($450)
July 31--I-Tal.
August 1--The Zone.
August 2--Taj Mahal.
August 3--Esther Satterfield.
The Paradise Theater 967 Commonwealth Ave., Boston 254-2052.
Tickets at box office and major ticket outlets Must be 20 or older with, photo I.D. Shows start at 8:30 p.m.
July 31--Dorese Iris ($5.50)
August 3--NRBO ($6.50)
Storyville 6-15 Beacon St. Boston (Kenmore Square) 266-0860
July 29--Til Tuesday Buddy System
July 30--The Fleshtones. Del Fuegon Salem 66.
August 2--Rockabilly Nite--Shakes, Fabulous Ray.
August 3 Pink Cadillac Blues Astronauts
August 4--TB