5) There is a worldwide people's revolution going on right now. National boundaries don't cut us off from this because when the revolution is over, there will be only one people's government.
6) The first actions of this white revolutionary youth movement in the U.S. must be of a symbolic nature because its numbers are now small. They must show that the human spirit is capable of actual fighting even in spite of the peacefulness and obedience we were taught in school.
7) Finally, if people are shown that fighting can be and is, done, then more kids will join in.
This is to close how the Weathermen in the street looks at things. I like it because it gets at the complexity of the world's guilt.
[Two days later] The Weathermen are going to get it. This area is being floated by even more sirens. They won't be able to get out. It is daylight...
...I sneak up to the Tribune building at night with my duffel bag. It is very dangerous to be a long-haired kid from out of state on the streets. They are still arresting people. I meet Parker [Donham '67('69) of The Boston Globe] and James Glassman ['69 of the Herald Traveler] in the Times office. Glassman gives me his suit coat so we won't get stopped. Parker drives us to the airport. And we take off out of there.
We are flying over lit Chicago, and I can see all the streets at once.
I am ambivalent. What the Weathermen were doing was suicide. My existence can still live with itself it isn't screaming for a finish. And it doesn't want to color itself an unchanging gray by landing in jail for two years. The first thing the Weathermen have going against them, the made thing, the after thing, the only thing that can seem really important, is the way their actions wipe out the self. It Springs them down on you. Even if they are now slowly dating you away by the way they make you live, that seems better than being destroyed suddenly and totally.
Maybe to be a Weatherman you have to feel like nothing, to feel so crushed and fitted into the system that the only thing you want to do is break off and go smashing through the machinery with the hope that the other gears will come smashing with you. We are all guilty of racism and genocide. Just by living in the U. S. we are helping to maintain the status one that thirty the addresses in Vicmain. All my happinesses are probably at the depense of other's sufferings. The work is like that was it doesn't have to be I don't think.