
Council Working to Become Effective

News Analysis

Controversy surrounding the selection of judges for the Council's first sponsored social event--tonight's "Battle of the Bands"--highlights the now-pressing need for more efficient organization of committee work, which some members said suffered over the past term because of internal squabbles and Jack of direction.

The council is also likely to tighten its procedures up in other areas as well, aiming to maintain interest within the council by shortening the Sunday night general meetings; reining the grants procedure to make it loss time-consuming and more objective; and increasing communication with students by publishing the council newsletter--which came out only once last term--more frequently.

Council members also hope to maintain what they see as a high level of undergraduate interest, indicated by the number of students--more than 200--who composed for the council's 89 seats in House elections last October. They are also encouraged that only 16 percent of students opted to pay a reduced term-bill fee, and that only fewer than two percent asked for a total refund.

"We've shown good signs of being attentive to student needs," Kirkland delegate Rosemarie A. Sabatino `84 said, noting the council's involvement in preliminary College discussions of library hours and options for pass-fail grading.

At least three students have declared their candidacy for chairmanship: Finance Committee Chairman, Sesha Prata `84; T. Logan Evans, the chair of the Student Services Committee, known for his unique "King Trivia" contests last November; and Academic committee co-chair Gail M. Latouf `84. Also mentioned as a possible candidate is Mather delegate Craig S. McCrohan `84.


Besides choosing a new chairman tomorrow, council members will select a vice-chairman, treasurer, and secretary. The race for vice-chair, according to council members, is expected to generate more candidates and interest than those for treasurer and secretary
