
Brown ROTC?

A move to bring the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) back to the campus of Brown University more than 10 years after it left has students up in arms.

Brown President Howard Swearer announced last February 8 that he will form task force within two or three weeks to investigate the possibility of opening negotiations with the Navy for ROTC's return Swearer was instructed by the Corporation of the University--a body similar to the Harvard Corporation--to look into the possibility or re-instituting the training course more than a year ago.

"Generally, I'm in favor of ROTC," Swearer said in an interview on February 8th, "but this is no time for me to get involved. I'm just trying to chair this thing."

Juliet Brodie '85, a leader of Students Organized for peach (STOP), expressed several objections to ROTC" on matters of principle and philosophy."
