
Take A Number


"Uh, I'll have heavenly hash." That was Glenn. "Got it?" he said. "Heavenly hash. The heavens, Space? Remember? Good. Enough said."

"Hey, fellas, any of you got any extra money to spare?" said Gary Hart sheepishly as he cupped his hands. "It seems that I'm a little short this week, again. But I swear that I've got a lot of dough coming my way. There are some friends of mine who owe me big money. C'mon."

"Gary, Gary, Gary," preached one of the candidates. Then all of them started to snicker under their breaths. No one would give the Senator from Colorado the 95 cents for a single scoop of ice cream.

"Thanks a lot, guys," Gary said. "I guess I'll have a glass of water."

McGovern then had his turn. "I guess I'll have some of my favorite. Pink bubble gum."


"Oh, I'm sorry, sir," the waitress said. "But we stopped making that flavor about 10 or 12 years ago. We had a huge overstock of that stuff back then, and it all rotted."

"Really?" McGovern seemed shocked. "Then I'll have the same as Hart."

"Ma'am, I'll have a double scoop'am?" But it appeared that the waitress wasn't listening to Ernest Hollings. "Uh, miss--young lady!"

It seemed that the other Fritz had caught the attention of the waitress.

"Madam!" Hollings finally exclaimed. "Could I please have a scoop of vanilla? If you please..."

"Sure, sure, bub. Hold on to your hat," the waitress answered while scooping up Hollings's vanilla.

Finally, it was Reuben's turn. He had been waiting very patiently for quite a long while. "Can I have some vanilla, too, please?" But when Reuben received his cone, the ice cream immediately began to drip profusely all over his fingers and hands.

"Shoot!" Reuben cried. "Everything has fallen apart here."

The seven men then left Steve's, but only six continued to march in single file.

"Hey, John, where are you going?"

"To the movies," he said, as he quickened his pace.

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