


To the Editors of The Crimson:

As a resident of Cambridge, I would like to come out in favor of the referendum on Cable TV. This referendum will allow the City to apply for a Cable Television license in an open competition with private non-residential firms. Recent newspaper articles have stated that the Cable Television industry is spending many thousands of dollars to prevent Cambridge residents from having any say on the matter of what sort of programming, rates, and services will come into out city.

In earlier attempts, the Cable industry sought to prevent the question from even reaching the public by trying to influence the City Council. That body, however, realizing no doubt the importance of such an issue, has twice voted in favor of a public cable system in Cambridge and has left it up to the public to decide if, in fact, the City should enter a bid for that system.

I feel the time has come to stand up for our right and not to allow outside vested interest groups dictate terms to residents of Cambridge. That is why I will vote Yes on the Cable Television November. Jeff Manzy
