
Keeping Track ...

Bomb scares to "Room 13," a peer counseling center located in the basement of Stoughton Hall, twice in the last month caused the evacuation of the building.

Both times, police evacuated the building and searched it for suspicious objects, but had no clues to the caller's identity.

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Massachusetts' new "bottle bill" took effect January 17, moving local merchants to lament the five- or 10-cent deposit imposed on purchasers of beverages in returnable containers.

"It's a nightmare," said Leo McCarthy '73, manager of the Varsity Liquor Store in Harvard Square. "It's going to take up a lot of store space and a lot of time," he added.


"It's a mess," added Arthur Drivas, general manager of the Wursthaus.

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The Kennedy School Institute of Polities (IOP) may host former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing and Moral Majority leader Rev. Jerry Falwell in separate appearances this spring, officials said January 12.

Giscard, elected in 1974 and unseated by Socialist Francois Mitterrand in 1981, is expected to make another run for the presidency in 1988.

Falwell said in an interview that he "would very much like to visit more Ivy League schools like Harvard."

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The results of an ongoing review of Harvard's troubled Buildings & Grounds (B & G) department began to come in as a committee recommended that the responsibility for maintenance and supervision of facilities shift to the faculties. The recommendation comes in the wake of widespread criticism of B & G's services and efficiency.

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The Faculty kicked off a comprehensive review of the Core Curriculum, which has proven more popular with students than the planners had envisioned.

The review is not expected to produce any major changes in the undergraduate liberal arts program, but was mandated when the Faculty approved the Core five years ago.
