
Keeping Track . . .

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The old adage about politics and bed-fellows rang true yet again this week, when Edward J. King supported Michael S. Dukakis in his quest to become Massachusetts' next governor. The bitter ideological and personal rivalry goes back to 1978, when King unseated Dukakis--who was governor at the time--in the Democratic primary. At a Statehouse press conference Thursday. King announced. "I will support the Democratic ticket. Michael Dukakis is on that ticket." The lame duck governor went on to say he would not campaign in the next five weeks.

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Harvard's ivy may disappear from the walls of Lowell and Winthrop House this year, but if an Arnold Arboretum fundraising scheme is successful, it will continue to thrive in the gardens and yards of University alums.

The Harvard-affiliated arboretum sent letters to Lowell and Winthrop House alumni last week offering a rooted cutting of Ivy and membership in a special "Ivy League" in exchange for a gift of a mere $100.


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A recent change in College housing policy came under fire this week when residents of Harvard's Jordan Cooperatives charged that the new rule might lead to the demise of their cooperative living alternative.

Because of a severe housing crunch. College officials received permission from Radcliffe to house some students paying for dining hall meals in the Radcliffe-owned co-ops which in recent years have been partially empty.

The News in Review page is a regular feature of The Harvard Crimson.
