This problem is past the fad stage and is on its way into the heart of American culture. Pac Man. Asteriods, Robotron. Bzeeeep-Bleeeep-Kzing! Etc. At Harvard, the games dominate entire social cliques. People do psych papers on them and plan class schedules around prime-time hours at their favorite areade. Play it safe and give all your quarters to the wheelchair basketball man who parks across from Out of Town News.
For use already addicted, a brief description of the places you'll spend your fall;
Tommy's brags only a few choice machines, but many of the top area games people gather there to challenge the Alpine slopes or drive a bouncy little racer into oblivion. Mel, the Bookseller, the bearded gent who sits in the corner near the jukebox most afternoons, gives Tommy's five stars, mumbling something about space creatures in his office.
B>Elsie's has walled off an entire game room, where the people in the candy-striped shirts also sell tackets to rock 'n' schlock extravagances at the Cape Cod Coliseum. Plenty of variety, and when it rains, they put green sawdust on the floor. Sort of like being on Neptune.
Booze and Tunes Har healther for mind and soul is a belly full of been and a head full of rhythm and blues. The Boston must scene features an electric range of garbage hard contenoise maker, firesome. New Wave cover groups and many interesting bands floating somewhere in between Indulge with guste but don't stand too close to anyone whose head gets that lemon fresh Joy shine The excitement only rarely produce science at Jonathan Swift's in the Square More often, you'll find blues, reggae, or some old-style rock and roll. The cover charge is usually moderate, and even the area's top bands such as the Stompers--play for at least three hours most nights. Arrive early or stand all night, especially when a nationally known act is in town Jack's down the street on Mass Ave.. leans a little bit more toward the middle of the road and attracts more blown-dried hair. Seating is even more limited, and the sound varies from fuzzy to static. The door man at Jack's is often lentent with IDs, and this is key in a state where you have to be 20 to drink legally. (Keep this criterian in mind before setting off for some highly recommended saloon on the other side of Boston). The Paradise, on Common wealth Ave off the Green Line, is the top club in town, just short of the Orpheun and the Boston garden Covers are often steep, and shows tend to end rather promptly at midnight. Drinks, needless to say, are even more expensive then elsewhere. Since you can often see the same band at Swift's a day or two before or after the Paradise date, it pays to stay home in Cambridge. Music fans on the cutting edge of trendy rock will want to explose other venues, including Boston's Channel, Metre, and Rat. For drinking without distraction, the Hong Kong offers an interesting variety of Polynesian drinks and international beers in a second-floor lounge. The house speciality is a salad bowl full of fruit juice, rum, and God knows what else. It comes equipped with long straws and plent of stale popcorn. The Bow and Arrow, two doors down on Bow St. has the cheapest, thinnest beer around. The bikers and townies start brawling by 11 P.m Watch for broken glass Charlie's Kitchen, on Eliot St. offers a decent grill menu (the cheese burger platter is a great filler-upper) and a big screen for sporting even upstairs. No tough stuff but dominated by natives who don't care where you prepped. Harvard Provision, on Mt. Auburn St. sells by the case for the economical consiner. Flicks and Shows The regional specialities are non-first-run movies, cult flicks, and Borgart orgies. The Harvard Square Theatre shows a lot of movies that probably didn't deserve to exist the first time around, but you will also find a steady stream of classies and up to 20 different shows every week. The midnight screenings often feature soft porn along the lines of Emmanuclle and the New York Frotic Film Festival. Yes, there are little old men in rain coats there. The Orson Welles (100 Mass. Ave.) shows share of oldies but also features current European films and the work of obscure artists. If you go often enough, you'll notice that everyone else in the audience knows each other and speaks German. The Brattle Theater on Brattle St. shows classics, the Galerin on Bolyston St. offers an interesting mix of old and new. For the season's that staff, check the SACK listings in Boston and the 'burbs Boston offers only a smattering of drama and musicals, but on Brattle St., the Loeb Drama Center will once again provide students with wide ranging